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How do I link a file to another contact, company or project and remove the file from the original entity it is linked to (Cut & Paste)?

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  • How do I link a file to another contact, company or project and remove the file from the original entity it is linked to (Cut & Paste)?
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  1. Click 'Contacts' from the left tabbed menu.
  2. Select the contact that you would like to obtain the file from.
  3. Click 'My Files' from the bottom tabbed menu of the Summary View.
  4. Right click the file and click 'Cut'.
  5. Select the Contact that you would like to paste the file to.
  6. Click 'My Files' from the bottom tabbed menu of the Summary View (for the new contact).
  7. Right click in the empty space of the My Files view and click 'Paste as Link x file: '{file_name}''.
  8. Confirm the move by clicking 'Yes' to the 'Confirm Move' dialogue box.
  9. Your file has now been moved to another contact. The process to move files is the same for contacts, companies and projects.