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  • Click 'Start' -> click 'Carmel Vision' -> click 'InfoFlo' -> click 'Configure InfoFlo Server'
  • ****(If you are running Windows 8 and up just do a search for 'Activation' to find the activation wizard)

  • Click 'Yes' if prompted 'Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?'.
  • Click 'Role List' to view a list of user types.
  • role_list

  • There are four pre-configured role types 'Admin' 'Contributor' 'Editor' 'Reader' with the option to create additional roles:
  • advanced permission

  • Each user type has different Create, Edit, Delete and Share capabilities for all entities and items in the system.
  • *Note*
    Entities= Category, Contact, Company, Project
    Items= Email, Document, calendar, note, Task, Opportunity/Sale, Estimate/invoice