How do I create SQL tables for an InfoFlo instance?
Prerequisites for this step are:
1. InfoFlo is installed
2. SQL is installed and TCP/IP communication to SQL is enabled.
1. Go to Start Menu -> All Programs -> Carmel Vision -> InfoFlo -> Configure InfoFlo Server to launch InfoFlo admin tools GUI.
2. From the left menu, under ‘Advanced’ click on ‘Install SqlServer Database.
3. Fill the form on the right …
Database Server:
Use value ‘(local)’ if the default instance name was used during SQL installation. If a different SQL instance name is required replace what is after the ‘\’ with that name. If the SQL instance is on a remote computer replace ‘(local)’ with the IP or host name of the remote server.
DBA username:
For SQL this value is always ‘sa’
DBA password:
The password assigned to ‘sa’ during the SQL deployment
New database name:
The name of the database to be created on SQL for InfoFlo use. Any string (without space or other special chars) can replace the default value of ‘VFCNew’. Or just leave the default name.
Create new database user:
Default value is NOT checked.
If this checkbox is NOT checked then infoflo database will use the admin credentials as provided above in its connection string parameters. If checkbox IS checked a new user will be created in SQL just for use with infoflo db. The fields below will also need to be filled in. Careful attention should be paid to SQL password policies if this option is checked.
Database username:
The name of the database to be created on SQL for InfoFlo use. Any string (without space or other special chars) can replace the default value of ‘InfoFlo’. Or just leave the default name.
Database password:
The password for the username above. Any string (without space or other special chars) is valid.
Company Name:
InfoFlo customer company name.
4. Click Create … If all values are OK and valid on SQL a message will show in green for successful table creation.