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How do I add Multiple Contacts to a Category?

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  1. Select 'Contacts' from the left navigation menu.
  2. Open up your categories panel by clicking 'Relations' button and selecting 'Show Category'.
  3. Hold CTRL and click each contact that you would like to add to a category.
  4. Right click on one of the contacts and select 'Copy Contacts'
  5. Select any contact on the left panel, so that the category panel on the right becomes active again.
  6. Right click the category you wish to add multiple contacts to and select 'Paste x: 'Contacts''.
  7. You can also paste the copied contacts into a category from the Categories view.
  8. Select the Do this for the next x items check box to confirm the action for the remaining items and Click the 'Yes' button.
  9. Multiple contacts has now been added to a category.