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How to create a new form and explain all the fields options

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  • How to create a new form and explain all the fields options
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Form is essential to gather information from the user. To create form:

  1. Select Forms from the left hand menu.
  2. Click ‘Add New’ at the top.
  3. Fill in the form title and description and click ‘Create Form’.
  4. New form is created and opened in edit mode. Some fields are created by default like first name, last name and email.
  5. More fields can be added to the form using the panels provided on the right.
  6. To add a single line box, click on the ‘Single Line Text’ from the Standard Fields panel as shown in below image:
  7. New field will appear at the bottom. Click on the field to view field options. Label can be provided in the ‘Field Label’ box.
  8. Various types of fields are available. Try other fields from right panels and click update to save the form.