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Create a new invoice

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To create a new invoice follow below given steps:

  1. Go to invoices from left menu.
  2. Click ‘New Invoice’ button on top right to open the invoice form.
  3. Select contact from contact dropdown field to associate invoice with it.
  4. Select the appropriate ‘type’ from top right dropdown.
  5. Invoice # is generated by automatically by the system.
  6. Provide PO # (optional) and select date when invoice is ‘Created’ and when it will ‘Expires’.
  7. If you want to send email to selected contact when form is submitted then check the ‘Email Invoice’ checkbox.
  8. Check ‘Send Overdue Notification’ checkbox and it will send email to contact if invoice is expired and status of invoice is ‘overdue’.
  9. Add the line items in fields shown below.
  10. Click ‘Add Item’ button to add more than line items.
  11. Select currency, discount and taxes from dropdown.
  12. You can also provide ‘Terms & Services’ and ‘Private Notes’ to the invoice.
  13. If you want the user selected in ‘Contact’ dropdown to sign the invoice then you need to check ‘Requires Customer Signature’ checkbox.
  14. Press ‘Submit’ to create the invoice.